Monday, June 6, 2011

The Heats are in it to win it! 2011 NBA Finals

According to, the Miami Heat won the Game 3 of the 2011 NBA finals against the Dallas Mavericks in their home court! This just proves that no matter what the mav’s do, it’ll just be like the past 2006 Finals where they ran short of a matchup against the Heat. This might be too early to tell that the Heat will win the 2011 NBA Finals; it’s just that after seeing the Game 3 last Sunday you can just conclude that the Heat is far much better the Mavericks team.

The Game 3 of the NBA Finals has just yet proved that the heat is stirring up their engine to be crowned as the NBA Champion of the year. There’s no getting wrong with these guy’s, they’re in it to win it!

The Game 3 is considered as one of the most crucial Game in the NBA finals, it’ll not only just give advantage, but it is known in History that whoever takes the Game 3 also takes the Championship title each time. I don’t know what you guys think but, the Heat won the Game 3. Is the past history of the game to be proven right again, or will the Dallas Team will be able to break the charm? Get all the latest updates on online.

Dirk Nowitzki of the Dallas Mavericks needs all the help he can get. The Super Star player of the Mav’s sure has shown his quality in these playoffs, but it does prove that the Dallas team can’t win this with just a one man team, Dirk needs help too. If they are going to keep shooting in the low 40’s its definitely going to be hard for them to win, Dirk have to be more aggressive than and must find a way to look for his shot in every game, maybe then they will be able to grab the win against the Heat this coming Game 4 on Tuesday.

The game 4 of the 2011 NBA Finals will be the one match that you can watch online on that will determine whether the Heat’s will take the Championship title or will the Dallas Team be able to regain and get back in the game.

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